About Me

about me

Speaker.Consultant. Psychotherapist.

Ms. Glenn is a board certified, licensed professional counselor in Wisconsin and owner of Liberated Minds Counseling & Consulting. She is doing the work to rewrite the narrative of mental wellness, one mind at a time. As a native of Milwaukee, she recognized the urgent need for adequate mental health services in her city and decided to do something about it. Utilizing the Sankofa model of reaching back to pay it forward, she began volunteering in various capacities to truly understand how to create accessible forms of treatment.

During her undergraduate studies, she received a Bachelor's in Community Education, the study of African American history and a certificate in Cultures and Communities. Additionally, she earned a Master's of Educational Psychology and was awarded the opportunity to study abroad in Ghana, Africa. As a two time student at the University of WI-Milwaukee, Ms. Glenn was asked to speak on several panels, create workshops and interviewed multiple times for her work done.

With a strong knowledge of cultural competencies, Ms. Glenn has been invited to speak at a national conference, where she trained other mental health professionals on best practices for young boys of color exhibiting tendencies of ADHD.

She has a proven track record of helping individuals, families and communities of ascertaining their inner strength to live a life of quality. Ms. Glenn is dedicated to helping others realize their liberation.

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